Lucy is supported by a bolster in a gentle twist.

Sunday 9 June – Restorative Yoga

Our Restorative Yoga Workshops take place every other month on Sundays. There is a morning session (10-12) and afternoon session (2-4pm). You can book both sessions together for a full and complete practice of Restorative Yoga.

  • 10.00-12.00 Supported Backward-bends and Inversions
  • 14.00-16.00 Restorative Essentials

Lunch is provided after the morning session and cake in the afternoon. Those travelling from further afield can make a weekend of it by arranging a retreat.

Upcoming Restorative Yoga Days

  • Sunday 9 June
  • Sunday 4 August – waiting list

What Is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative Yoga is the conscious practice of rest and silence. Using props such as blocks, bolsters and blankets, the body is fully supported in positions of comfort and ease.

There are lots of variations to meet the needs of each individual and since no movement is required it is also suitable for people who have low energy or are recovering from injuries or surgery.

Who Can Benefit from Restorative Yoga?

Restorative Yoga is for everyone. Deep relaxation benefits all functions of the body including circulation, digestion, immunity, fertility and sleep – there are literally no contra-indications to relaxation.

Restorative Yoga is suitable for anybody with an interest in learning how to relax. The practice is is not about stretching. The supported poses allow us to relax, soften and open.

Our workshops are accessible to most people including complete beginners and pregnant women.

What Equipment Do I Need for Restorative Yoga?

Each participant is provided with at least one bolster, one blanket and one belt but you may need to bring with you a second bolster (or two pillows), extra blankets, a cushion and something to cover your eyes.

Why Practice Restorative Yoga?

Embracing rest as a normal and natural part of being human is counter-cultural and can be empowering and transformative. Regular practice can help us to snap out of the relentless quest for self improvement, and to kick the habit of negative self-talk (ever felt you were not achieving enough, not quite ‘good’ enough or just plain lazy?)

Habituating ourselves to stillness and silence is also an important aspect of practice for those who wish to deepen their sensitivity to more subtle forms of yoga and meditation.

Lucy’s approach to Restorative Yoga is based on over a decade of in person training and mentorship with Judith Hanson Lasater. Working in this style, two hour sessions typically include just three or four postures, all fully supported and deeply relaxing.

“I know you can do more. The question is, can you do less?”

Judith Hanson Lasater

Lucy Maresh

Lucy has been a holistic therapist and yoga teacher since 2005. She uses movement, relaxation, massage, and meditation to help people learn about themselves and make life easier. Her classes are grounded in traditional yoga philosophy and include a holistic balance of practices for body, mind and breath. She hopes to guide you home to your felt sense of what’s right and true, and your passion for a purposeful and intentional life.

Permission to Stop – Free Booklet

Four years have now passed since the UK entered its first period of ‘lockdown’ in the Spring of 2020. As many of us retreated into our homes for what would end up being longer than we ever imagined, I wrote a short email to my students called ‘Permission to Stop’. As the lockdown was extended…